Rogues' Gallery

Many thanks to Silvier Fox for permission to use his 'NH4 Personality of the Month' caricatures.

Bear in mind these were produced some years ago so dates, ages, hash stats and other details may be incorrect.

Continuing the third series from SF, we have Action Man, apparently doing Tai Chi.

No. 19

Action Man.pdf

First in a new 'series' from SF is Yellow Peril who, judging from his vehicles would fail the Ishihara test.

No. 18

Yellow Peril.pdf

Ex Little Sai Wan..... Again, nuff said.

No. 17


Introducing Hippo, our Bacchant extraordinaire.

No. 16


And, fresh in from his latest appearance with the Japanese whaling fleet

No. 15

Commercial Whale.pdf

Introducing one of our more explosive runners, wearing what looks like a posing pouch......

No. 14


Unlucky 13 is Old Thumper. No down-down for your webmaster please.

No. 13

Old Thumper.pdf

Yorkie, your erstwhile webmaster. Nuff said.

No. 12


Introducing Alice. Everyone sing along.........

No. 11


Number 10 in the series is Nettles, from the well known 'Leaping Order of Hashers'.

No. 10


.........he arm wrestled me into being next.

No. 9

Jolly Green Giant.pdf

Our offering this week is Sex Slave. The origin of his handle is lost in the mists of time.......or should be.

No. 8

Sex Slave.pdf

Winner of the most distinctive hash calling competition is this week's offering, Fuggles.

No. 7


..... and now we prove the Dodo is definitely not extinct.

No. 6


Next in line is Silvier's caricature of a founding member of NH4.

No. 5


The Rogues' Gallery offering this week is Dickhead whose laurel wreath appears incomplete.

No. 4


Number 3 in the NH4 Rogues' Gallery is Hanging About, with a giant GPS watch and Spike Milligan inspired knobbly knees!

No. 3

Hanging About.pdf

Next in the NH4 Rogues' Gallery is Thermal Dick.....or possibly Wayne Sleep judging by the tights.

No. 2

Thermal Dick.pdf

First in the NH4 Rogues' Gallery is founder of the first UK hash and long time hash stalwart Mountain Rescue.

No. 1

Mountain Rescue - 2.pdf