North Hants Hash House Harriers

NH4 Mystery Tour 8th September 2024, details here

NH4 meet on Sundays at 6.00pm in summer and 11:00am in winter. NH4 is a non-competitive trail-running group, open to all ages and levels of fitness. Our trails are usually about an hour in duration and within OS Map 186 (Aldershot & Guildford); followed by drinks at a nearby pub. See Run List page for details.

Run No: 2334

Date: Sunday 28th July 2024

Time: 6:00pm

Hare(s): Thermal Dick

Location: Tilford

RV: Greensand Way

Postcode: GU10 2DD

On Inn: The Barley Mow, Tilford

Notes: Park here at main Stockbridge CP if RV CP is full (a few minutes walk to RV). 


All participants take part at their own risk and accept responsibility for any children or pets accompanying them. 

Runners are responsible for their own personal safety and accident/liability insurance cover if they consider it necessary (more).